Category: Etiquettes (Adab)
Etiquettes of Writing including messaging on social media – twitter/whatsApp/emails
Etiquettes of Istikhārah الاستخارة – Prayer of Seeking Guidance from Allah swt – Why, What, How & some Misconceptions
Etiquettes of Consultation – Etiquettes of Seeking Advice – Etiquettes of Giving Advice – Qualities of Advice Giver
Etiquettes of Social Life (Adab E MUÂSHARAT)
Etiquettes when faced with Celestials Disasters and Terrestrial Disasters. Become fearful not daredevil.
Etiquettes: Etiquettes of giving and receiving-gifts.
Etiquettes: A’maal of Zulhajj including Virtues and Laws.
Etiquettes of Social Life – Taaziyyat – How to give Condolence/Comfort
13:00 Saad Ibn Ubadah RA visited by PBUH.
16:00 Hazrath Musa Ashari RA: Last moments.
18:00 PBUH giving Taaziyat on the death of his grand son RA.( son of Zainab RA).
22:00 Baitul Hamd:
22:30 Haq e Mayyat: Pray 2 rakat Nafl Saleh.
23:00 Death on Iman is unmatched.
25:00 Hazrath Bilal RA.
26:00 PBUH reformed thought process.
30:00 Rule of Comfort.
Generally Do not ask for cause of death of marhoom.
If informed listen but do not ask.
34 Sending cooked food to family members or taking food and serving to family members.
(This is not party time).
36 Related to death of father of Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA.
Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA pain was made lighter when he was told by Taaziyat giver that his father is in a better place.
38 On occasion of death of Hazrath Abdullah durng Jang E Uhud.
Son Hazrat Jaabir RA was very sad on his father’s death.
41 A pious muslim is worried about sin rather than about his death. Death is destiny.
43 Look at good deeds of people who passed away.
45 Related to Mayyat. Dua E Maghfirat and Isal E Sawaab.
Defination of Isal-E-Sawaab: Action is done by someone else but reward is for Marhoom.
e.g. build masjid, build well.
Etiquettes of Society – Differences to be handled with respect, love and patience.
The Sahaba RA showed how differences can be handled with respect and love.
The Akabir Fuqaha RAH showed respect and love in differences.
Moulana Qasim Nanutwi RAH showed how to handle differences with utmost care.